Tuesday, September 9, 2008

international blogging in the classroom

The first international blog I came across was a blog from New Zealand in a 2 year class of 6 and 7 year old. Their teacher uses their blog to update different events and things that happened through out the day at their school. She also posts blogs and video of the children doing different assignments such as their oral presentations so they are able to hear themselves out loud. They also have links to to other blogs they like. And when children have visitors they are able to comment on their special guests or the activities of the day! Again I really like the interactiveness that the children have with a blog in the classroom. It really seems to keep them involved. The picture I have posted is a picture of a an ambulance that came to visit the school. This website is http://2008meadowbank23.blogspot.com/.
The second blog that I found was out of Canada. It was from a grade one class. The teach used her blog also as a learning tool to show what the kids are doing day to day. As the children the children are just learning to read and write they are posting to a blog daily. what a great way to learn your words and letters and to applying them to a computer at such a young age is brilliant. It is getting them ready to the world ahead of them. These teachers have been so inspirational in what they are teaching such young students, then when I plan on teaching high school the posibilites are going to be endless with using blogs in a classroom. I found this web page at http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=1337


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