ITunes University
Itunes University is an interactive learning site that is sponsored by apple Itunes. Many college and Universities are putting some of their lectures, podcasts, and audio books on this site so people everywhere can access this information at their leisure. It is like free education! You can look information up by specific Universities or by subjects. You also have access to public broadcasts and other information that may be helpful to learning. The nice thing about I tunes you is that you have access to it 24 hours and day and that you can sync it up with your ipod on the go whenever you want. You always have access to this information!
Again like with many other technological advances that are out there, this kind of learning I believe really reaches the students in this day and age. It puts things in a way that they learn best and are familiar with, rather then just reading pages. It is an interactive way of learning material that may stick with them because they enjoy learning this way. Yet again I am amazed what is available to us just by the click of a button. What an amazing time that we are in for learning.
Again like with many other technological advances that are out there, this kind of learning I believe really reaches the students in this day and age. It puts things in a way that they learn best and are familiar with, rather then just reading pages. It is an interactive way of learning material that may stick with them because they enjoy learning this way. Yet again I am amazed what is available to us just by the click of a button. What an amazing time that we are in for learning.